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Killer Kick Drum Processing: EQ & Compression
An article by Johnny

A wimpy kick drum sound can really suck the life out of an otherwise good mix. If your want your mix to stand up to today’s modern rock and pop songs it’s important your have a killer kick drum driving your track.

EQ Shaping
First off , what you can do in most situations is high pass filter the extreme low end somewhere around 20Hz with a fairly steep slope. The majority of home studio systems are not going to reproduce these low frequencies yet this subsonic energy will still rob your track of important head room.
20Hz에서 하이패스를 하여 고음만 통과시킨다. 

There are a few primary areas that we should look at when eqing a kick drum. Although I should say at this point there are no strict formulas for eqing anything but some of these suggested settings should get you in the ballpark.

Thud: This is the low end thump or boom of the kick drum and the part you can feel as much as hear. I will usually use a peaking band for this area boosting somewhere around 50-60Hz for that modern sound, a more traditional or natural sound can be found a little higher in the 100Hz region. A low shelving band may be worth experimenting with if your kick is feeling particularly puny but try not to overdo it, the frequencies in this area can get smeared really fast.
쿵하고 울리는 소리 : 50-60Hz에서 높이면 된다.
100Hz 이상에서는 좀더 재즈 같은 자연적인 소리가 나오는 데 굳이 손을 본다면 low shelf (계단 식으로 저음은 높고 고음 부분은 낮은 식으로)로 약간 깎으면 된다.

Smack: this describes the attack portion of the kick and can be found in the 3-5kHz range. It’s this area that contributes most to the character of the kick drum. I typically use a peaking band with a Q of about 1 to 1.5.
탁 소리는 3-5kHz에서 나오는데, 킥드럼의 특성에 기여한다. peaking band (이 부분만 봉긋/뾰족하게 올려서)로 1-1.5 정도 올린다.
Click: does exactly what you might expect. You may not think it’s a sound quality desired in a kick drum but just listen to today’s modern rock songs and you’ll be surprised at just how “clicky” the kick drum is.  The click of a kick drum usually hides out in the 6-8K range, a peaking band with a Q of about 1.5 is a good starting point but experiment with a shelving band if want to get a bit more of the snare wires into the mix.
Click : 6-8kHz 부분인데 모던 락 같은 음악에서 종종 들리는데, 1.5 정도 봉우리처럼 올린다.

Mud: this is the enemy of kick drums and clouds up our mix. Cutting with a wide Q peaking band in the 250Hz-300Hz range can really clean up your kick drum sound.
Mud : 250Hz-300Hz 이 부분은 깎아야 하는데 폭이 넓은 골짜기 같은 곡선으로 깎는다. 드럼 사운드를 깨끗하게 만든다.

Kick Drum Compression
OK so you’ve got your equalization under control now lets try and get some punch into our kick. Insert your compressor on your kicks channel, any bundled DAW compressor will do fine. I will usually set the ratio about 3:1 and adjust the threshold for just a few dbs of gain reduction. The important controls here are the attack and release.

If the attack control is set at zero for default increase it to about 5ms otherwise the compressor is going to be squashing the attack portion of the kick before it has a chance to poke through. If you are having trouble hearing how adjusting the attack is affecting the sound pull the threshold way down and then set the attack, the setting at which the kicks transient is loudest should really pop out .

When you have the attack where you want it return the threshold to a more sensible level. It’s vital that you experiment here using your ears as too short attack time can suck some of the body or weight out of the kick drum. Set the release so gain reduction has returned to zero or close to before the next kick hit arrives. If you can time the release control just right you can create a kind of pumping effect that can sound great in certain genres.

I hope you enjoyed this article and remember the most important thing is to use your ears, experiment, spin them dials around see and what happens.


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Posted by civ2